Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Cabinet

Looks like some of the old guards have been sidelined/left out from the new cabinet of the Malaysian Federal Government. Just maybe our PM has opened his eyes and streamlined his cabinet for the period 2008 - 2013. But I still think Pak Lah has to stepped down as allow either more experienced figure to lead the country. Pak Lah has been a good servant to the previous administration and because of that he is more of a follower than a leader. Given the fact that he is already 60 ++ and rising, some formation of legacy is in his mind. Hope in this period, no more rampant robbing of the rakyat's right to the country's wealth. We can only hope......

Monday, March 17, 2008

First time out!

OK. Got to admit. This is my first time in the blogger or blogging world. Anybody who wish to taste asam pedas melaka, yes it's hot but satisfying! No adult pun intended. Ha!Ha! I guess this makes me a monyet since Khairy Jamaluddin told the public that bloggers are monkeys.

Whatever it is, I welcome any post to my blog especially those who are critical of everything in life and have creative solution to them. This blog does not appreciate any post that can be construed as racist, religious extremist, etc. We can only comment on what is.

Lastly, if you want to have the real taste of asam pedas Melaka, go to Melaka (obviously!duh!), proceed to Semabok and look for Warong Kita.